交通部觀光局不分區國際光點計畫,是發掘台灣對國際旅客具有獨特魅力的聚落,結合科技與區域發展,整合活化升級為「GIFT聚落」(GIFT: Good Inspiration From Taiwan),以強化台灣觀光之國際競爭力及提高旅客重遊率。

交通部観光局による全国的国際光点計画というのは国際観光客に台湾の特別な魅力をもつ地区を発見してテクノロジーと地域発展を結びついて『GIFT地区』(GIFT: Good Inspiration From Taiwanに進級させることです。台湾観光の国際競争力を強化し再び観光客の人数を高めるのは目的です。

The Nationwide international spotlight project plans to dig out Good Quality Cluster of Taiwan having unique charm to the international tourists, combined with technology and regional development, to integrate, activate, and upgrade into GIFT Cluster (GIFT: Good Inspiration From Taiwan), so as to strengthen the international competitiveness of tourism of Taiwan and enhance the revisit rate of tourist.



The nationwide international spotlight project comprises natural farm cluster of Nanao, Yilan; Aboriginal fruit orchard cluster, Fu-Hsing, Taoyuan; landscape and paper craft cluster, Puli, Nantou; Dongding tea agronomy cluster, Lugu, Nantou and Hakka arts and design cluster , which will be prepared and promoted in different phases.

本計畫的特色是以科技搭配旅遊,讓聚落內經營者有效管理在地觀光資源,並讓國際旅客能自主彈性安排遊程,運用便利的資訊在台灣進行親土和見學的行程體驗,更可以透過以工換宿(Working Holiday)及契作代耕的旅遊模式進而成為台灣友客。


The characteristics of this project is matching up tourism with technology, enabling operators in clusters to effectively manage local tourism resources, and enabling international tourists to flexibly arrange itinerary independently utilizing convenient information to perform close to the nature and learning through seeing and doing travel experience, to further become friendly visitors of Taiwan via the tourism model of working holiday or custom farming . 

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