

(2024/04/25 22:26更新)

洛杉磯(Los Angeles) 拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)

巴士直駛世界第一大賭城拉斯維加斯, 可參加自費夜遊: 景點包括 - 百樂吉、凱撒宮、金銀島、幻景、海市蜃樓等; 巨型賭場內一試運氣, 並欣賞彩色繽紛的神奇夜景, 猶如天上人間; 有興趣更可自費觀賞舉世知名的豪華歌舞表演。
餐 食:早餐/敬請自理  午餐/敬請自理  晚餐/敬請自理
旅 館: Excalibur Hotel and Casino或同級

拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)大峽谷國家公園(Grand Canyon National Park)馬蹄灣 (Horse Shoe Bend)佩吉(Page)

今天前往世界奇景之一的大峽谷國家公園(南緣), 峽谷之大, 令人生畏, 其壯觀與艷麗舉世無雙, 無與倫比。峽谷巖壁隨著日光的移動, 雲影的變化, 折射出豐富的色彩和無窮的魅力。科羅拉多河九曲回腸, 奔流向西, 經六百萬年晝夜無息的勞作, 切割出長277英裏, 寬10英裏的大峽谷。 繼往由科羅拉多河270度大迴轉切割而成的"馬蹄灣" (Horseshoe Bend)(自費), 陡峭的巖壁, 如刀切一般筆直, 俯身觀之, 倒吸一口涼氣, 不由地令人贊嘆大自然的神奇與壯美。夜宿大峽谷最東端小鎮佩吉(Page)。
餐 食:早餐/敬請自理  午餐/敬請自理  晚餐/敬請自理
旅 館: Quality Inn at Lake Powell或同級

佩吉(Page)包偉湖(Lake Powell)羚羊彩穴(Antelope Canyon)拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)

上午前往格蘭峽谷休閒區, 遊覽美國第二大人工湖包偉湖(Lake Powell), 湖光山色, 美若仙境,盡享旅遊樂趣, 之後參加(自費)當地印第安人領引的“羚羊彩穴”之旅(Antelope Slot Canyon)。位於印第安保留區內的羚羊彩穴世界上著名的狹縫型峽谷, 經千萬年洪水的沖刷, 風的侵蝕, 在砂巖壁上形成了奇特的紋路, 陽光穿過羚羊谷狹窄的空間, 在砂巖上組合變幻, 形成一組組不可思議的光的圖案, 難怪世界上最貴的一張攝影作品即拍攝於此。 行程結束, 回到Excalibur 酒店下車。
餐 食:早餐/敬請自理  午餐/敬請自理  晚餐/敬請自理
旅 館: Excalibur Hotel and Casino或同級

拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)名牌直銷中心(Tulare Outlet)弗雷斯諾(Fresno)

離開拉斯維加斯, 到達大型工廠直銷中心參觀選購琳瑯滿目的各式商品。下午直駛加州中部農業重鎮弗雷斯諾。
餐 食:早餐/敬請自理  午餐/敬請自理  晚餐/敬請自理
旅 館: Ramada Inn Fresno Airport或同級

弗雷斯諾(Fresno)優山美地 (Yosemite)灣區(Bay Area)

遊覽美西最負盛名的優山美地國家公園, 一路怪石嶙峋、懸崖峭壁、千丈飛瀑、 萬里峰巒、彷彿罝身世外。公園內著名景緻區如下: 新娘面紗瀑布、船長巨岩、 昆仲斜岩石、金沙江、觀瀑橋、半球巨岩、斷層飛瀑、南眺景等。
餐 食:早餐/敬請自理  午餐/敬請自理  晚餐/敬請自理
旅 館: Red Roof Inn SFO或同級

舊金山(San Francisco) 市區觀光送機

舊金山市區觀光遊覽項目: 金門大橋、聯合廣場、財經中心、九曲花街、漁人碼頭、金門公園、市政中心、市場大道、中國城、藝術宮、雙子峰等等。本市人口七十多萬, 移民與外裔佔半數以上, 乃典型之國際都市。
餐 食:早餐/敬請自理  午餐/敬請自理  晚餐/敬請自理
(2024/04/25 22:26更新)
(2024/04/25 22:26更新)
注意事項 NOTICE:

The online booking is not confirmed until our sales representative contact you to verify your booking info and payment.
We reserve the right to refuse any booking.
Please be punctual as fee will not be refunded if you arrive at the departure point late and miss the scheduled departure time.

- All Payments must be made in US dollars,and fees are calculated per person.
- Fees included: * National Parks admissions,transportation,accommodation,and a bilingual (Mandarin/English) tour guide
- Fees do not include: Driver and Tour guide tips (Suggest rate US$9),Travel insurance (Please purchase your own),and private fees.

Optional tour price are guidelines only. Actual price may vary.

* 羚羊彩穴 Antelope Canyon - 大人Adult$58, 小孩Child(2-12歲) $48
* 包偉湖遊船Lake Powell Cruise - 大人Adult$48, 小孩Child(2-12歲) $35
* 海灣遊輪San Francisco Bay Cruise - 大人Adult(18+) $28, 小孩Child(5-17歲) $20
* 拉斯維加斯夜遊Las Vegas night tour 大人 Adult $35, 小孩 Child(2-12歲) $25

For clients that enjoy the buy two and get one free deal,please inform us at least 14 days before the departure date
of the trip if 1 or 2 people decided to cancel the trip. Otherwise a $240 cancellation fee will be applied.

In the event of an accident resulting in loss, injury or death during the trip, settlements will ensue in
accordance with rules set by airlines, hotels, buses, etc. Our company assumes no responsibility.
Co-operate with local bus tour company.
No-show penalty for free person is $240.
The sequence of your trip may be varied, due to the different departure dates. Please follow your final itinerary from US LION TRAVEL.
We reserve the right to modify the itinerary and hotels for the benefit of the group.
6. 所有酒店房間最多安排兩張床(Full Size)每房最多住四人。 加床請自行向酒店服務臺查詢,加床費自付;所有酒店室內均不允許吸煙,違者罰款$250+,並可能承擔法律責任。
All hotel rooms can only arrange for a maximum of 2 beds (full size) per room. All rooms can only allow a maximum of 4 people.
To add additional beds, please inquire with hotel's front desk, additional fees may apply. All hotel rooms are non-smoking rooms,
any violations customers will be fined $250+ and responsible for any legal repercussions.
7. 2歲以下嬰兒必需繳納每人每天25美元的責任保險費。同時我們也保證提供一個車位給嬰兒坐。如果父母選擇抱著嬰兒,將視為自動放棄該座位。
Children under 2 years old will be charged $25 per day for mandatory General Liability Insurance. It is also to guarantee a seat for the child. If the parents prefer to hold the child, it is considered as forfeiting the seat, but the $25 Per day General Liability Insurance will still be charged.

※取消訂位: Cancellation Penalties:
The ticket can be canceled if it is not finalized. Customers must make the cancellation in writing.
$50 if canceled 30 days before the departure date.
25% of the group fee if canceled 15-30 days before the departure date.
100% of the group fee if canceled 14 days before the departure date.

Pick up point and time are for your reference only, please double check with your sales representative prior to departure.